
Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Authorcon Excitement and Limited Edition Madness!

Hi everyone! Gather around, for I have news...

Firstly, for those who follow the convention circuit, you might already know that Scares That Care falls in August. Unfortunately, the August convention isn't happening this year (I know, I cry tears of sadness with you). That's the bad news. However, the good news is that the more author-focused version of it - Scares That Care Authorcon - is going ahead in April! And if that isn't exciting enough, guess who will be there? ME! So when/where is it, I hear you ask?

Dates: Friday through Sunday March 31 - April 2, 2023
DoubleTree by Hilton
50 Kingsmill Road
Williamsburg, Virginia 23185

Now, I hope you'll get super excited with me as I tell you what I have planned for this upcoming event. I will be having not one, but two con exclusive products (not counting remaining copies of HORSEMEN, of which there are only 9 left on the planet, which, yes, I will be bringing with me. Once these last few are gone, they are gone forever, as I will never put them back into print - it's rumored that they invoke dark magic).  The first con exclusive will be t-shirts:

While supplies last (hint: they won't last very long) I'll have black Braineater Jones t-shirts in S, M, L, XL, and 2XL.  But not to worry, if you don't like the color or you miss out, you can always grab more Braineater t-shirts and other swag at the French Press Shop.

The second con exclusive will be a book which I have not yet published, and have only just announced: THE THING UNDER YOUR BED.

THE THING UNDER YOUR BED is a standalone extreme horror novella which takes place entirely on a little girl's bed over the course of a single night.  And until I publish it later this year, the only place you'll be able to get a copy is in person at STC AuthorCon. If, by some chance, I have any leftover copies, you'll be able to request them from April 3rd. So don't miss out on your chance to be one of the cool kids!  (Note: the owners of French Press are not responsible if THE THING UNDER YOUR BED causes monstrous delusions, night terrors, or profuse sweating.)

I know you're probably picturing me sat with my feet up, sipping a cocktail and wearing sunglasses indoors for some reason, as I sell my many wares - but nay - I will be busy! I will be doing several panels and readings.  Here's my full schedule of events, literally none of which you will want to miss even a millisecond of:


Friday 6:45 pm - "Collaborations" (Moderator, with Wile E. Young, Wesley Southard, Ruthanne Jagge, Daron Kappauf, and RJ Roles) - Room 16

Friday 8:00 pm - "Military Ops" (with Scott M. Baker, moderator, Rachel A. Brune, John Lynch, and L.P. Hernandez) - Room 16

Saturday, 12:00 noon - "A Tribute to Jay Wilburn" (with Armand Rosamilia, Max Booth, Jeff Strand, Daniel J. Volpe, John Urbancik, and Thomas R. Clark) - Room 18

Saturday, 10:30 pm - "The Gross-Out Contest" - Room 18

Sunday, 12:15 pm - "Reading" (with Wile E. Young) - Room 8

Also, on a *slightly* different note, I just wanted to remind you that WE ALL LIVE IN A FASCIST POLICE STATE NOW, THANKS TO THIS ONE FUCKING GUY. Well, in one of my fictional worlds we do, anyway. You can find it HERE and the first three chapters are absolutely free!

This year's Authorcon is set to be a blast, and I can't wait! I hope to see you all there. Until then, stay frosty!