
Monday, August 18, 2014

The Trifecta Trifecta

Hey, everybody!  I love reviewers.  I really do.  Professional reviewers, amateur reviewers, even just readers who occasionally log in to Amazon.  Good, bad, indifferent, I love anyone who takes the time to review something, especially something I wrote.  I've explained before why reviews of all stripes are so important to burgeoning authors, so I won't rehash that.  You guys are simply the best. 

This past Sunday something really neat happened.  A reviewer achieved the coveted Koz Trifecta - reviewing BRAINEATER JONES, THE GHOUL ARCHIPELAGO, and BILLY AND THE CLONEASAURUS - and I realized he was the third reviewer who had done so.  EVER.  So I have a trifecta trifecta!  Let's meet this lucky and generous crew now, and as for the rest of you, make sure you get out there and support them:

Sharon Stevenson

Sharon Stevenson is the twisted mind behind the GALLOWS novels and the AFTER DEATH series.  If you want to know a bit about her, here it is: she spends too much time indoors and probably watches too many horror films.  Some of her favourite things are: alone time, people who know when to shut up, having a drink, eating pizza (usually after having too much drink the night before), reading books, adult swim cartoons, bad horror and sci-fi movies, proper good TV shows like Dexter & The Walking Dead, and last but not least having a laugh with her hilarious other half – this would usually include some of the above.

You can find Sharon on Twitter, Facebook, and her blog.

And here are the links to Sharon's completed trifecta:  BRAINEATER JONES, THE GHOUL ARCHIPELAGO, and BILLY AND THE CLONEASAURUS

Patrick D'Orazio

Patrick D'Orazio resides in southwestern Ohio with his wife, Michele, two children, Alexandra and Zachary, and two spastic dogs. He has been writing since he was a teenager but only recently clued into the fact that unless he attempted to get published, no one else would care. Approximately fifteen of his short stories appear or will be appearing in various anthologies from Library of the Living Dead, Library of Horror, Library of Bizarro Horror, Library of Erotic Horror, Library of Science Fiction, Library of Fantasy, Pill Hill Press, May December Publications, Dark Silo Press, and NorGus Press. Patrick's zombie apocalypse DARK trilogy was originally released by The Library of the Living Dead Press, and is made up of COMES THE DARK, INTO THE DARK, and BEYOND THE DARK.  It was re-released, with the addition of “Dark Stories,” which are short stories tied into the books (both old and new ones) in 2013 by Permuted Press.

You can find Patrick on Twitter and his blog.

And here are the links to Patrick's completed trifecta:  BRAINEATER JONES, THE GHOUL ARCHIPELAGO, and BILLY AND THE CLONEASAURUS

Sylvia Bagaglio

Sylvia began reading before the age of four and was lucky enough to grow up in a house with a library. Her parents instituted the rule that she and her sister were allowed to read any book they could reach, so they learned how to climb the shelves. It seems Adams and Tolkien and King were far more interesting that Dr. Seuss (even if he had better pictures). While she is always seeking to procure and read new books, she has a habit of re-reading old favorites like Dickson’s THE DRAGON AND THE GEORGE once a year or so. Sylvia is happy to interrupt her reading to work at a children’s museum during the day and play stage hand and spotlight operator for burlesque shows at night. Working with such a wide array of people gives her ample fodder for her quote collection, much of which is posted on her Twitter account.

You can find Sylvia on Twitter and the Bookshelf Bombshells website.

And here are the links to Sylvia's completed trifecta:  BRAINEATER JONES, THE GHOUL ARCHIPELAGO, and BILLY AND THE CLONEASAURUS


Thanks to each of our heroes.  Who will be the next to join their hallowed ranks?  Will it be YOU?

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