
Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Women in Horror Month #15: Rebecca Snow, Short Story Writer

Not every tale of the macabre needs to be novel-length.  Writing a compelling horror short is an entirely different discipline from unspooling a 100,000 word nightmare - one might even call it harder.  So I'm delighted today to introduce as our next guest for Women in Horror Month Rebecca Snow, who, following in the footsteps of such luminaries as Shirley Jackson and Charlotte Perkins Gilman, has focused her attention on short form horror to date.  Let's meet her now.  

About Rebecca Snow:

Rebecca Snow has been writing for almost as long as she can remember. She has a story on tattered notebook paper written with a shaky 5 year old hand about a haunted house. Her cats think she’s amazing as long as they get their food and don’t end up in too many of her stories.

You can find her on Twitter, Facebook, Amazon, and her website.


SK:  What are your horror bona fides?

RS:  As far as professional horror bona fides go, I’ve had more than 50 short stories published in small press anthologies and online. But if you ask my family, I’ve been scary since I was born. I love giving people that creepy feeling you get when walking through a dark yard from the car to the house. What was that noise? Is there something watching you from the bushes? Will you make it without having to run for your life?

SK:  Who or what terrifies you?

RS:  Not many things frighten me because I know that whatever happens, I’ll get through it….or I won’t. Not much I can do about it one way or the other, so why be scared of it? It’s all perspective.

SK:  Are there unique challenges to being a woman in horror or do you feel like gender is irrelevant?

RS:  A bevy of strong women raised me. They taught me that I could be anything and do anything. I’ve never looked at gender as an issue in any aspect of my life. I feel more of a gender gap in the way people look at me when I go into an auto parts store until they find out I know what I need than when I write.

SK:  Who are your favorite female horror icons?

RS:  I adore Wednesday and Morticia Addams. Their characters relished in being who they were, not in fitting into any mold that society perceived as normal.

SK:  What are you working on/promoting currently? Why should folks check it out?

RS:  At the moment, I’m working on some short stories with various subjects. I’m editing a novel that’s been on the back burner for 5 years. And I’m putting together a photo serial that’s been in my head for 3 years. As for why folks should check it out, c’mon, it’ll be fun!

About Rebecca's Work:

Rebecca's work has appeared in such recent collections as 31 NIGHTS OF HALLOWEEN, THE LAST DINER, and A QUICK BITE OF FLESH.  For a look at some of the rest of her bibliography, check out Amazon.