
Friday, March 2, 2018

A Comprehensive List of Every Conversation Held in a Workplace Ever

A comprehensive list of every conversation held in a workplace ever.


A: Hello. How are you?
B: I am well. However, it could be better. It could be afternoon/Friday/a holiday.
A: I agree with your assessment.


A: Oh, I notice you're wearing a [color] shirt.
B: That is an accurate representation of the facts.
A: X, Y, and myself/not myself are also wearing [color.] It must be [Color] Day and I got/did not get the memo.
B: Fascinating.


A: Yum, the object in the microwave smells delicious.
B: I am aware of that fact as I am the one that put said object there.
A: Did you make that or did your spouse/significant other make it?
B: I/my spouse/my significant other made it.
A: Fascinating.


A: Do you remember [coworker who formerly worked here]?
B: I do not. My employment began after theirs terminated.
A: [Coworker who formerly worked here] was quite a card. Once they did something amusing/outrageous/no longer appropriate for the workplace. Perhaps you had to have been there/known them to properly appreciate this story.
B: Likely so, yet you related the anecdote so vividly that I could still appreciate it.

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