
Monday, July 16, 2018

New Release Announcement: BILLY AND THE CLONEASAURUS (Author's Preferred Edition)

Hey everybody!  I'm very pleased to announce the release of the Author's Preferred Edition of BILLY AND THE CLONEASAURUS.

I hope you'll consider grabbing a copy.  As an independent author, I live or die by word-of-mouth, so I also hope you'll consider sharing the good news on social media, or even just tell a friend.

Here are the answers to some questions you may have:

Where is this available?

You can purchase it in paperback through Amazon.

It's also available in ebook format through AmazonBarnes and NobleKoboGoogle Play, and iTunes.

The audiobook (narrated by Steve Rimpici) is also available via AmazonAudible, and iTunes

Is this new edition really any different from the first edition?

Are you kidding me?  Just check out that brand new artwork by Natasha Tara Petrovic!

But that's not all.  With this release I was able to spread my availability to various other publishing platforms, such as iTunes and Google Play, where BILLY has never been available before.

The paperback has been reformatted with new fonts and interstitial art as well as cleaner, crisper formatting.  I've also made edits, including a really major goof which, no, I'm not going to tell you about.

But you want more content?  You got it.  I've also included a new afterword, which is an essay about my thoughts on BILLY, life, the army, and "The Simpsons."

So, in short, new content, a new look, available more places, and all for less money.  What more could a reader ask for?

Who published this new edition?

This time it was all me.  I've created a new personal imprint, French Press.  Natasha also created our lovely logo.  Based on how well sales of BILLY go, and its sister title THE GHOUL ARCHIPELAGO, you may be seeing more of my books published through this imprint as my rights gradually revert.  And if sales are very good, you may also start seeing original, never-before-seen content from French Press.  As always, watch this space!

What prompted the change to self-publishing?  Have you given up on your agent and small press relationships?

Nothing bad happened at all.  In fact, Severed Press, the original publisher of this title, has treated me with nothing but kindness and respect over the years, up until the moment they reverted my rights to me for this title rather than let it fall out of print.  For the record, that's exactly how a good publishing house is supposed to behave.

I'm still working with my agent to bring some books to bookstores through some New York Big 5 publishers.  But for the horror and science fiction in my back catalog she's happy to let me continue to run my own affairs.  So there will still be small presses and some self-published titles in the future.  You can always stay up to date by following this blog or joining my mailing list.

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