
Monday, July 9, 2018

New Release Announcement: THE GHOUL ARCHIPELAGO (Author's Preferred Edition)

Hey everybody!  I'm very pleased to announce the release of the Author's Preferred Edition of THE GHOUL ARCHIPELAGO!

I hope you'll consider grabbing a copy.  As an independent author, I live or die by word-of-mouth, so I also hope you'll consider sharing the good news on social media, or even just tell a friend.

Here are the answers to some questions you may have:

Where can I get it?

You can purchase it in paperback through Amazon.

It's also available in ebook format through AmazonBarnes and NobleKoboGoogle Play, and iTunes.

The audiobook (narrated by Jennifer Fournier) is also available through AmazonAudible, and iTunes.

What's so great about the Author's Preferred Edition anyway?

In addition to the new cover art by Chris Enterline, this new edition includes seven black and white illustrations by Ashley Powers.

As if all that wasn't enough, I've also included a character interview with deranged industrialist Rand Bergeron.

This release also allowed me to publish to multiple new platforms, such as Kobo and Barnes and Noble, where this novel was never available before.

And since I'm now in charge of pricing and formatting, I've been able to do all this for a lower price than THE GHOUL ARCHIPELAGO was ever available before.

I've also made edits (lots of thanks to the audiobook narrator, Jennifer Fournier, for identifying most of those) and reformatted the book with new margins, fonts, and chapter breaks, all the nerdy stuff only real book aficionados would care about.

So, to recap: new prose, new artwork, it looks better, it's on more platforms, oh, yeah, and it's cheaper now, too.

So is this published through a new house or what?

Nope, this is my first foray into self-publishing.  I'm publishing under my new personal imprint, French Press.  I've long joked about founding a Kozeniewski Basement Press, but at the end of the day, the purpose of a personal imprint is to add the appearance of legitimacy to a self-publishing project, so I just couldn't do it.  Since this is self published, I can now charge less and earn more from each of your purchases.

Wait, but why are you doing this?  Did you have some kind of falling out with your publisher or something?

Nope.  My relationship with Severed Press remains rock solid and I fully intend to publish with them in the future.  Most contracts are only signed for a finite period, in this case, five years.  Our contract period was almost up and sales were not great, so Severed very kindly offered all of my rights back early so I could seek another publisher or self-publish as desired to keep it from going out of print.  (For those keeping track at home, this is exactly the way a good publisher is supposed to behave.)

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