
Monday, December 31, 2018

2018 Accomplishments

Hey everybody!  Every year around this time (go figure) I start to think about what I accomplished in the past year.  For instance, here's what I did in 2017.

And, as usual, around this time of year I start to think that I didn't accomplish shit.  This year felt particularly pronounced as I didn't release a single original novel.  It's made me feel like I'm falling behind.  My last novel was SLASHVIVOR! in September of 2017 and my last non-collaborative novel was THE HEMATOPHAGES, all the way back in April of 2017!  You don't get to be a professional writer by waiting years between releases.  (Unless you're Jonathan Franzen, but, it goes without saying, fuck that guy.)

However, after looking back, I realized I did plenty this year.  Here, for instance, were my releases:


"Deep Into that Dark One Peering" appears in CLICKERS FOREVER limited edition
"All Dolled Up" appears in WHISPERS OF THE APOC


"Deep Into that Dark One Peering" appears in CLICKERS FOREVER in wide release


BILLY AND THE CLONEASAURUS Author's Preferred Edition released
THE GHOUL ARCHIPELAGO Author's Preferred Edition released


"Exquisite Corpse" is released from Serial Box
"Silverwood: The Door" is released by Serial Box



So actually...not so bad, huh?  An original serial, two solid self-published releases, my first limited edition, and a few shorts.  I probably shouldn't feel guilty for not releasing a straight novel, but I probably still will.  Anyway, that's not all I accomplished in 2018.  Here's some other exciting stuff:


Invited to speak at StokerCon Librarian's Day


Raised nearly $60,000 for my mentor Brian Keene's catastrophic injury (you can still donate here)


Appeared in a celebrity room at a convention for the first time at Scares That Care V
Won the KillerCon Gross-Out Contest for "Everybody Poops...Especially Godzilla."
Sold the Italian-language rights to THE HEMATOPHAGES, my first foreign rights sale


I was invited to write an episode of "Welcome to Daisyland," my first professional script


Invited to appear for the first time on "This is Horror," the premiere UK horror podcast
Invited to appear on "Eating the Fantastic" with the legendary Scott Edelman, joining such luminaries as Ellen Datlow, George R.R. Martin, and T.E.D. Klein
EVERY KINGDOM DIVIDED limited edition sells out in under a week


CLICKERS FOREVER wins an Independent Horror Book Award, my first inclusion in an award-winning title

And one last little tidbit: in 2018 I'm on track to make a bit over $5,000 in profit from my writing career.  You may recall last year was the first time I actually drew a profit instead of a loss, and that was around $50.  If sales continue to expand exponentially, at this rate next year I'll be making $500,000, and then in 2021, $50 million.  So thanks for the support, everybody!

What about you? What were your greatest accomplishments in 2018?  Let me know in the comments below.

Friday, December 28, 2018

My Appearance(s) on "This Is Horror"

I was delighted to be invited last month for an extensive interview by the good folks at This is Horror.  We spoke for a while and ended up breaking it up into two hour-long pieces.  I hope you enjoy it!

TIH 248 Stephen Kozeniewski on Lessons from the Army, Getting Published, and Silverwood The Door

TIH 249 Stephen Kozeniewski on George A. Romero, Killercon's Gross Out, and Billy And The Cloneasaurus

Monday, December 17, 2018

"Welcome to Daisyland"

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I'm delighted to introduce you all to the first film I've been involved with: "Welcome to Daisyland."  Specifically, I wrote episode 2, "The Voice."  "Welcome to Daisyland" will be releasing Valentine's Day 2019.  For now, though, you can watch the trailer, which does indeed feature some of the weird sex scenes from my episode.  Enjoy!

Friday, December 14, 2018

My Appearance on "Eating the Fantastic"

Hey, kids!  Sorry I haven't been posting much in the last few weeks.  I've been taking a much needed break from reality after the hell that was November.  (You can read more about that here.)

The good news, though, is that if you're jonesin' for an ample helping of Vitamin K, I've got you covered.  During this year's Chessiecon I had the opportunity to have a midday meal (there was much discussion over whether it consituted lunch, supper, dinner, or some hybrid of the three) with the legendary Scott Edelman.  Scott has written for "Tales from the Darkside," Marvel Comics, and the print arm of the Sci-Fi Channel, amongst many others in his storied career.

We talked for a good hour and a half straight over Vietnamese food, and as it went along I really came to appreciate Scott's format.  His general idea is that people let their hair down and open up over a meal with a friend in a way they wouldn't during an "interview."  And while at the beginning I was "on" the way I normally am in these situations, I did find myself relaxing and just chatting, perhaps too much, even.  I think you'll enjoy it.  You can check us out on:

-  iTunes

- Libsyn

- or just click this embed below: