
Friday, March 6, 2015

The Trifecta of Trifecta Trifectas

Finding a good reviewer (or, hell, even a bad reviewer who actually follows through) is hard to do.  And reviewers as I've outlined elsewhere are the lifeblood of a budding author's career.  (Was that a mixed metaphor?  No wonder I can't find any damn reviewers...)

Anyway, the point is, I like to highlight my favorite reviewers when I can, because their success is my success, obviously.  Twice before I've highlighted three reviewers who have completed what I jokingly call the Kozeniewski Trifecta (reviewing BRAINEATER JONES, THE GHOUL ARCHIPELAGO, and BILLY AND THE CLONEASAURUS.)  That makes this the third time (or trifecta) of highlighting a trifecta of reviewers who have completed the trifecta...get it?

I actually (and obviously) have a soft spot for anyone who's actually read all three of my books.  (Notice I don't say praised...some trifecta winners have been constructive in their criticism, and I appreciate that just as much.)  But today's not about a lengthy introduction from me.  Today's about celebrating the three newest entrants into this lofty and much-vaunted club.  Let's meet them all now!

Christina Torretta

Bohemian with a dark side. Lover of horror and serenity! Currently studying psychology and plan to get my PhD to become a Neuropsychologist. Clinical and Cognitive studies are my goal. Until then I am reading horror of all kinds (ZOMBIES!!) and the odd romance, cause why not?!

You can find Christina on Twitter, Facebook, Goodreads, LinkedIn, and, of course, her website Creating Serenity.

And here are the links to Christina's completed trifecta: BRAINEATER JONES, THE GHOUL ARCHIPELAGO, and BILLY AND THE CLONEASAURUS.

Erin M. MacCallum

Living in the backwoods somewhere in Alberta Canada, E.M. MacCallum spends most of her time reading, stabbing at her keyboard and transferring the stories in her head onto paper.
Currently she is hard at work on her next story and also running The Reader's Hollow blog which is about books, stories and those who love them.

You can find Erin on Twitter, her author Facebook, her blog The Reader's Hollow, The Reader's Hollow Facebook, and her website.

And here are the links to Erin's completed trifecta: BRAINEATER JONES, THE GHOUL ARCHIPELAGO, and BILLY AND THE CLONEASAURUS.

Trista Borgwardt

Trista Borgwardt is a writer, focusing on horror/supernatural novels. As a young writer she started out writing short stories and later on delved into poetry and fiction. Reading interests her just as much as writing does. Having her own personal library would not hold enough books for her. Proudly holding a Bachelor's Degree in the Science of Nursing, she currently works as a nurse, helping to care for others. Animals hold a soft spot in her heart and she has a few pets of her own. In her spare time, she likes to spend time with her family and friends or go for a drive through the beautiful Black Hills.

You can find her on Twitter, Facebook, or her website.

And here are the links to her completed trifecta: BRAINEATER JONES, THE GHOUL ARCHIPELAGO, and BILLY AND THE CLONEASAURUS.


  1. Check it!!! Women love horror! And fantastic writing, of course! Bring on the books, I'll keep reviewing. It's my pleasure!

    1. You're the greatest, Christina! I'll try not to disappoint. :)
