Manuscripts Burn


"Manuscripts don't burn"
- Mikhail Bulgakov

Hi, I'm Splatterpunk Award-winning horror and science fiction author Steve Kozeniewski (pronounced: "causin' ooze key.") Welcome to my blog! You can also find me on Facebook, Twitter, Goodreads, and Amazon. You can e-mail me here, join my mailing list here, or request an e-autograph here. Free on this site you can listen to me recite one of my own short works, "The Thing Under the Bed."

Sunday, December 22, 2024

It's Awards Season and We Need YOU! What's Eligible, and How to Vote

Hi everyone - I don't often do this but French Press Publishing needs your support, and so we humbly ask you to join us in our crusade.

We have works eligible for a couple of awards, and the deadlines are fast approaching. We'd LOVE YOU FOREVER if you'd consider throwing us your votes (if you think the following books are deserving, of course!)

First up - The Haunted Minds Book Club Awards - voting closes 26th December 2024 


Best Novella: 
MILLIONAIRES DAY - by Kit Power (published 14th Oct 2024)
RAZORTOOTH - by Stevie Kopas and Stephen Kozeniewski (published 1st May 2024)

Best Collection:
YES, I AM A VAMPIRE - by Stephen Kozeniewski (published 5th Sep 2024)

Best Anthology:
WELCOME TO THE SPLATTER CLUB VOL III (published 29th Jan 2024, by Blood Bound Books)


Using the below format, simply email your nominations to:

You can vote for up to 5 books in each category!

Best Novel (50,000+ words)

Best Novella (20,000–49,999 words)

Best Single Author Collection

Best Anthology

NEXT - The Splatterpunk Awards - voting closes 31st December 2024


Best Novella:
MILLIONAIRES DAY - by Kit Power (published 14th Oct 2024)
RAZORTOOTH - by Stevie Kopas and Stephen Kozeniewski (published 1st May 2024)

Best Collection:
YES, I AM A VAMPIRE - by Stephen Kozeniewski (published 5th September 2024)

Best Short Story:
SELF-REPORTING - by Stephen Kozeniewski (published 29th Jan 2024, by Blood Bound Books, in 'WELCOME TO THE SPLATTER CLUB VOL III)

Best Anthology:
*Note - NOT published by French Press Publishing but we're supporting it!*
WELCOME TO THE SPLATTER CLUB VOL III (published 29th Jan 2024)


Simply email your nominations to:


Voting closes for the Haunted Mind Book Club Awards on DEC 26TH

Voting closes for The Splatterpunk Awards on DEC 31ST

If you're voting for us or have already nominated any of our works, we really appreciate you!

Wednesday, December 11, 2024


(a.k.a. the Tim Lebbon Appreciation Hour!) 

STRANGE NEW MOONS, an anthology of odd and offbeat werewolf tails (ha!) will be coming at you from French Press Publishing in January, 2025. But today we'll be announcing our complete table of contents publicly for the first time ever. The whole FPP crew will be special guests Mary SanGiovanni, John Durgin, Somer Canon, Amanda Headlee, and Matthew R. Davis! 

STRANGE NEW MOONS Table of Contents 

1. "Vargsången" by Mary SanGiovanni 
2. "Seamus" by Keawe Melina Patrick 
3. "Agonies of the Flesh" by EJ Sidle 
4. "That Time of the Month" by Kayleigh Dobbs 
5. "It's All For the Best, Sweetie" by Rose Strickman 
6. "The Pit" by John Durgin 
7. "Expose the Fur Below" by Rebecca Rowland 
8. "Who Keeps Shitting on the Memorial Fire Tower?" by Somer Canon 
9. "Lark" by Amanda Headlee 
10. "March of Night, Scratch of Claw" by Tim Lebbon 
11. "Blackfish" by Stephen Kozeniewski 
12. "Bit Part" by Matthew R. Davis 
13. "Red in Tooth and Law" by Simon Clark

Friday, November 8, 2024

Five Concrete Things You Can Do to Prepare for the Next Four Years

I don’t normally talk about politics on social media.  In fact, part of my brand is avoiding discussing controversies.  I know weighing in on every cause célèbre is a good way to drive traffic and sell books, but I’ve never been interested in pursuing success that way.

Today is different.  Today not speaking out seems like a dereliction of duty as a public figure.

I, like many of you, was horrified by the outcome of Tuesday’s election.  I, like you, was unable to sleep that night.  I, like you, began discussing with my family how to prepare for the dark and terrifying road ahead of us.

The Trump voters I’ve spoken to this week seem to feel this was another normal election with another coin flip result.  The Harris voters I’ve spoken with fear that fascism has finally arrived in America, wrapped in the flag and carrying the cross.

I can assure you that this was not another normal election.  But whether fascism has finally come may yet still be up to us.  

Right now you feel powerless.  And I understand that.  I feel powerless, too.  Speaking to my sister yesterday she said, “I wish someone would just tell me what to do, and I would do it, but nobody has any answers.”  And she’s right.  I don’t have any answers.  But I can attempt to give you a plan for what to do right now.  Perhaps this will help you feel less powerless.  Here are five concrete things you can do right now:

1.  Renew your passport.  Where is your passport?  When does it expire?  If it expires in the next four years, renew it now.  This process can take several months, so you want to start today.  What about your loved ones?  If you need to flee the country urgently because you are no longer safe, you will not even have that option if you do not get your passport ready now.

2.  Make a plan for basic survival.  I don’t mean anything fancy here like apocalypse prepping.  If prepping makes you feel safer, by all means do that.  I am not an expert but there are tons of people who are and many resources to get you prepared if you decide to just go live in the woods.  But what I mean by basic survival is: is your job secure?  Do you have savings?  Do you have physical cash in the house if you need to flee and not be tracked by credit cards?  Do you have friends in safer areas of the country who will let you stay with them if necessary?  

3.  Check in on your friends and family.  I mentioned earlier that speaking to my sister inspired this post.  You feel alone right now despite the influx of content on social media because that consists solely of Trumpies crowing and Harris supporters acting despondent.  So speak with your actual, flesh and blood, loved ones on the phone or in person and make sure they are safe and okay.  You will bolster each other’s spirits this way.  You can talk them off any metaphorical and perhaps physical ledges.  Suicide rates have skyrocketed since Tuesday.  But we need everyone healthy and whole for the fight ahead.  Fascism thrives in despondency.  You can also take this time to discuss your survival plans with each other.

4.  Contribute to legal defense funds.  I can’t make any educated recommendations on who to contribute to, but organizations like the ACLU and SPLC are going to have yeoman’s work to do in the years ahead.  Here’s what’s going to happen.  Whether you believe Trump is a naked fascist or merely lazy, he has always shown a propensity for the path of least resistance.  Conservatives are attempting to remake the federal judiciary into a rubber stamp for an authoritarian leader, and the Supreme Court is perhaps the worst offender of all.  But while we still have courts, and we still have people willing to challenge Trump, we can tie him up with red tape.  When he tries to issue a questionable executive order, a judge can halt that.  And, sure, the case may be overturned on appeal, but federal appeals take months and months, if not years.  If our worst expectations turn out to be true, then every day that Trump can’t carry out his agenda, lives will be saved.  So, volunteer or contribute to organizations which will challenge his administration, even if the challenges seem futile or turn out to be.  We may simply be playing for time because in two years we need to:

5.  Organize and prepare for 2026.  There is a slim chance that the House of Representatives will flip blue this election cycle.  When I was first preparing this post, I was going to emphasize that more, but it seems less and less likely the more time goes by.  If we do get the House, that’s not nothing, because one chamber of the congress is enough to foil two presidential terms.  If you don’t believe me, just ask President Obama.  But let’s assume that doesn’t pan out in 2024, because we are living in the darkest possible timeline.  Guess what?  We still don’t have to endure four years of Trump.  We may only have to endure two years of Trump.  If we take back one chamber of congress in 2026, we can resist the MAGA agenda.  If we take back both, we can utterly spoil it.  Trump will be so wrapped up in investigations and legal fights he won’t be able to accomplish anything, even with an imperial presidency.  I know it seems like electoral politics have failed us, and many people I know and respect argue that it’s way past time to ignore this point and focus solely on mutual aid such as I discussed in points 2 and 3.  But let me leave you with this.  Liberals organize every four years and focus on presidential elections, congratulate themselves when they win, and then hope everything will pan out.  Conservatives organize every fucking week, from the pulpit of every church in the country, and then every month in the PTAs and school boards, and their agenda is constantly at the forefront of every discussion.  It puts liberals on the back foot, always scrambling to react and it’s how they win.  So if you still believe in electoral politics and you want to win, you have to start organizing for 2026 right now.  Contact your local party, contribute to a campaign fund, organize an affinity group, run for dogcatcher or something yourself.  Stop the doomscrolling and start on that.  

Thanks, everybody.  And look out for each other.

Monday, October 7, 2024

UK FantasyCon or Bust!

Hi everyone - this is one of my most exciting events of the year. For the first time ever, I'm travelling to the UK for a convention - FCon (or FantasyCon). I'll be there with a trading table, signing and selling books and making friends with my fellow authors and readers. I'll also be there launching the latest French Press Publishing release, MILLIONAIRES DAY, by UK indie author legend, Kit Power. I'm thrilled to be working with him, and even more thrilled that I'll get to launch his book with him in person.

I've been told that though this is one of the UK's biggest writing/author conventions, compared to what we're lucky enough to have in the USA, it's pretty small. I've also been told that it's relaxed, friendly, and feels like a family holiday gathering. I can't wait!

To any of my British readers, I really hope to see you there. Be sure to come say hi!

When: 11th-13th October 2024

Where: The Queen at Chester Hotel,
              England, UK


Saturday - 12:00 pm - Kit Power book launch - Colonnades
Saturday - 1:00 pm - Reading w/ Kit Power, Sara Jayne Townsend, and Ramsey Campbell - Gladstone
Saturday - 6:00 pm - Book launch - Disraeli
Saturday - 7:00 pm - "The Teenage Experience as Body Horror" (M) w/Colleen Anderson, Margaret Eve, Sarah Elliott, and Kayleigh Dobbs - Prince Albert 
Sunday - 1:00 pm - "No One Can Hear You Scream" w/ Dan Howarth (M), Lee Swift, Sara Jayne Townsend, and Stephanie Ellis - Prince Albert 

Really looking forward to seeing you guys there!

Monday, September 30, 2024

Scares That Care: AuthorCon VI or Bust!

Hey everyone. It's that time again... Scares That Care: AuthorCon is back this weekend, and I can't wait. It's one of my favorite bookish events, and definitely one of the best to participate in.

For those not in the know, AuthorCon is an event run by Brian Keene that raises money for charitable causes and individuals in need. So, not only is it just a great weekend for readers and writers of genre fiction to trade, buy cool stuff, meet, and get books signed, it's also a great opportunity to contribute to a great cause, while you're having an awesome time.

I'll be there, alongside many other authors, selling books and meeting you fine people! Be sure to stop by my table to chat, get a book signed, and pick up a new book (or two...or three!).

When:  4th - 6th October 2024

Where: Marriott Renaissance Airport Hotel
              9801 Natural Bridge Rd,
              St. Louis, MO 63134


Saturday - 1:45 pm - Reading w/ Clay McLeod Chapman and Jeff Strand - Heathrow

Saturday - 11:45 am - "Publishing 101" w/Joshua Daughrity (M), Paul Goblirsch, Jacob Haddon, James G. Carlson, and Ira Rat - Gatwick

Hope to see you there!

Monday, September 16, 2024


Well, it's what the kids call "spooky season" so I thought this might be a good time to tell you that I am definitely, absolutely not a vampire. 

On a separate note, I've released a new book called YES, I AM A VAMPIRE.


The Collected Short Fiction and Autobiography of Stephen Kozeniewski, 2013-2016

Despite all the evidence to the contrary, I swear I am not a vampire. Cross my heart and…eh, nevermind.

Just trust me, there are no vampires within these pages. Plenty of zombies, though. One of the short stories in this book features a zombie caveman, for instance. And another is called 
Exploding Shit Zombies. You can probably guess what that one’s about.

Not every story is zombie-themed, of course. I’ve also got a monster under the bed piece that’s pretty fucking scary. And in another, a bunch of little alien goblins take over a farmstead.

This isn’t just a short story collection, either. Half of it’s my autobiography. I guarantee you’ve never seen those two styles mashed together before.

I also guarantee you’ve never seen any fucking vampires before. Not here. Not anywhere. So let’s just drop it.

What do you mean, bloodstains all over the book? Don’t worry about those. Just wipe the gore off your fingers and dive in to…

Yes, I Am A Vampire

This is something totally new and different. It's my first short story collection, and also my first printed autobiographical work. I hope it's entertaining, informative, and insightful...and I also hope that you understand that I'm not a vampire at all.

If you'd like to take a closer look or pick up a copy, it's available at the following places:

As always, I want to thank you guys for your support! If you do pick up YES, I AM A VAMPIRE I'd be honored if you'd leave a review on Amazon or anywhere else online - every word helps!

Friday, August 9, 2024


Hi everyone!

Since the release of my first novel, BRAINEATER JONES, it has refused to stay dead and buried (ha!). For a decade, it has been sprint-shambling along into the eyes of readers, uncontrollable in its desire to spread the good zombie word. And now, it has achieved a new lease of un-life, in the form of a BookBub deal!

That's right, for the month of August, it's now available in the UK, Canada, and Australia, for the low low almost-nothing price of 99c.

No memory. No pulse. No clue. The undead private eye everybody calls “Braineater Jones” has an axe to grind. Somebody plugged him and dumped his corpse in a swimming pool. Worse yet, his memory’s gone. He has no idea who killed him or why. But he’s damn sure going to find out. With a smartass severed head as a partner, Jones hangs up his shingle in the city’s undead quarter. When he’s not solving cases (poorly) Jones is always looking to keep his flask full. Prohibition is in full swing, and the dead need alcohol to function. Without liquor they become mindless, flesh-munching ghouls. (In a word: braineaters.) Everything will probably be fine. The investigation into his own murder probably won’t point Jones toward the city’s most important bootlegger. And even if it does, it’s not like he’ll risk cutting off the hooch just to seek justice for himself, right? No one man’s life is worth unleashing a cannibalistic orgy of violence. Right? Cracking this case will be a tall order, but one thing’s for sure: whatever happens, Braineater Jones isn’t getting out of this one alive…

If you'd like to feast your eyes on your own copy, you can find it in the following places:


If I could ask one favor of those who might have already read BRAINEATER JONES... if you have a moment to spare, please consider leaving a review on Amazon, Goodreads, or spread the word on your social media. Reviews make so much difference to us starving artists!

And, as always, a million thanks to you for your continued support - you guys are dead (ha!) awesome!

Monday, August 5, 2024

KillerCon or Bust!

Hi everyone,

This weekend, I'll be at KillerCon in Austin, and I'm hoping to see as many of you as possible!

This year's Guests of Honor are exceptional!

Daniel Volpe
(Left to You, Talia)

CV Hunt
(Legacy, Halloween Fiend)
Kris Triana
(Along the River of Flesh, Gone to See the River Man)

Craig Spector
(2024 J.F. Gonzalez Lifetime Achievement Award Winner)

Dates: Friday through Sunday August 9-11, 2024

Holiday Inn Austin-Town Lake
20 North Interstate Hwy 35
Austin, TX 78701

Friday 3:00 pm - "Daywalkers" (w/ Daniel J. Volpe, Susan Snyder, R.E. Shambrook, Shane McKenzie - M)
Saturday 10:00 am - Mass signing
Saturday 10:00 pm - GrossOut Contest

I'll be there socializing and signing and selling books and all the good stuff! Come along, get your books signed, ask any questions, and let's take silly selfies! See you there :) 

Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Book Signing with Paul Tremblay at Vortex Comics

Hi everyone!

I just wanted to let you know that this Sunday, Paul Tremblay and I will be signing books at Vortex Books & Comics! The store has copies of numerous works from both of us that you can buy on the day, and you're also welcome to bring books from home for us to sign. Either way, come along and say hi, we're friendly and love to meet readers!

Paul Tremblay is the author of numerous works of horror, including THE CABIN AT THE END OF THE WORLD (adapted into the movie, Knock at the Cabin, directed by M. Night Shyamalan), HORROR MOVIE,  A HEAD FULL OF GHOSTS, and SURVIVOR SONG.

I (in case you're new here!) am the author of numerous works of (mostly) sci-fi and horror, including BRAINEATER JONES, THE HEMATOPHAGES, THE PERFECTLY FINE HOUSE (co-authored with Wile E. Young), and RAZORTOOTH (co-authored with Stevie Kopas).


Vortex Books & Comics477 Locust Street
Columbia, PA 17512
United States


Sunday, 4th August, 2024
11am - 1pm

Hope to see you there!

Thursday, July 11, 2024


Hi everyone, we have exciting news! After vowing to never ever put together another anthology after THE PERFECTLY FINE NEIGHBORHOOD, the French Press Publishing team got back together to ignore our own claims and arrange a second one. It seems that time and distance made us forget whatever made us say that in the first place, and also.... we just love werewolves.


STRANGE NEW MOONS is our upcoming werewolf anthology (if our Kickstarter campaign is backed by you fine folk!). We're extremely excited about it because as well as wanting to include stories received via the open submission window we hope to open, we have been in talks with.....

Amanda Headlee
John Durgin
Somer Canon
Simon Clark
Rebecca Rowland
Mary SanGiovanni
Tim Lebbon

It's set to be a sensational line-up but we need your help! If you're able to back us with the KICKSTARTER, that would be amazing, but any social media share would also be an enormous help for us to properly get this thing off the ground.

If you'd like to check out our campaign, you can find it HERE. We have some great rewards!

Join us, won't you, on the next full moon...

Friday, June 7, 2024

RAZORTOOTH Audiobook Auditions are Open!

Hi everyone! Stevie Kopas and I recently released RAZORTOOTH out into the wild in paperback and ebook format, and now it's time to bring it into the audio realm.

The co-authors of Slashvivor! are delighted to take you on a trip to the past to witness the birth of the most beloved maniac of all time…

Slashvivor! is horror in the extreme and not for the faint of heart. Kind of like The Hunger Games on acid.”
- Cemetery Dance

Belladonna Beauregard is an ordinary Georgia peach, worried about nothing in the world more complicated than running around, fishing, and playing in the woods.

Then the bombs drop.

Instantly, America is reduced to ash. Millions die, and in the aftermath, a cruel, vigilante militia seeks to takes over the irradiated Geiger Lands from their base in Belladonna’s commandeered home.

And Belladonna…changes.

Changes into a mutant. A killer. An assassin, enslaved and forced to kill for the very people who destroyed her home and family.

But Belladonna is about to break free, like a butterfly from a bloodstained cocoon. And she’s about to become the legendary slasher known as…


We're so excited about moving onto the next phase and format of this novel, and if you're an audiobook narrator, we want to hear from YOU! We aren't too picky about a specific accent or the gender of the reader, so long as the reading is clear and the characters are easily distinguishable. Please note that this book is a violent work of slasher-type horror, so you need to be comfortable with reading scenes of a disturbing and violent nature.

If you think you're the right person for this task, please AUDITION HERE. We look forward to hearing from you!

Friday, May 24, 2024

Audiobook Auditions Are Open!

Hi everyone! If you're looking for some audiobook narration work, look no further! WE ALL LIVE IN A FASCIST POLICE STATE NOW, THANKS TO THIS ONE FUCKING GUY has been making the rounds for a short while, and it's time to put it into audiobook format.

If you're interested, you can find more details HERE (you will need to log into your ACX account).

It happened here. Fascism came, wrapped in the flag and carrying a Bible.

Nobody much noticed.

Sure, a few traitors like to whine about their missing "rights," but it's up to the heroes of the Federal Bureau of Patriotism to silence them.

When someone starts spilling FBP secrets, Captain Leo Nergali is assigned to track him down. But wait, Leo himself *is* the mole? Record scratch!

Buy this fucking book to see how Leo censors the arts, disappears his enemies, and perhaps even finds jackbooted love.

So, what are we looking for, I hear you ask?

This book fits into the "Mystery, Suspense, Thriller" category, but it leans heavily into thriller, in the sense that there is violence and scenes of a disturbing nature. We need someone who can embody several characters, and can switch between prose and an interview style, and also someone who doesn't scare easily, as some of the subject matter is a little... severe!

If you think this is a project for you, you can audition HERE.

Looking forward to hearing from you!

Monday, April 8, 2024

Scares That Care AuthorCon III or Bust!

Hey everyone, it's almost time for one of my favorite events of the year - SCT AuthorCon! In case you're unfamiliar, it's an annual charity event hosted by Brian Keene for readers and writers of horror fiction. To date, it's raised tens of thousands of dollars for worthy recipients in need of some help, so it's an amazing event to be a part of.

AND... there's more! Myself and Stevie Kopas just *might* have an AuthorCon III exclusive for you... we *might* have been busy working up a real scream for you guys!

This year's Guests of Honor are:

Aron Beauregard
Michael Cisco
Grady Hendrix
John Langan
Eric LaRocca
Carver Pike
Kristopher Rufty
Paul Tremblay
Valancourt Books
Daniel J. Volpe
L. Marie Wood

When: 12th - 14th April, 2024

Where: Double Tree by Hilton Hotel
              50 Kingsmill Road
              Williamsburg, VA 23185 

Get Tickets: HERE

I'll be there all weekend trading, meeting new people, seeing old friends, and having an awesome time. I hope to see you there - don't be shy, come say hello, buy a book, and bring books for me to sign!

Monday, March 25, 2024

Book Signing - Vortex Books & Comics

Hey everyone! This Saturday is going to be a good one because I'll be at Vortex Books & Comics answering all your questions and signing books! For those of you who don't know, Vortex is an amazing new book and comic store in the Columbia area, owned by Brian Keene and Mary SanGiovani. They're champions (and excellent writers) of genre fiction, with plenty of horror, who do a lot for the indie horror community.

It's going to be a great day. I'll be there along with Somer Canon (You're Mine, Vicki Beautiful,) Wesley Southard (One for the Road, Resisting Madness,) and Wile E. Young (The Magpie Coffin, For a Few Souls More.) We'll be hosting a Q&A between 1 pm and 2 pm, and then signing books between 2 pm and 4 pm. Be sure to pick up something new, and bring books with you for us to sign!

Where:   Vortex Books & Comics
                477 Locust St
                Columbia, PA 17512

When:    Saturday 30th March 2024

See you there!

Tuesday, February 6, 2024

Farpoint or Bust!

Hi everyone, it's almost convention time! This weekend, I'll be in Pikesville for Farpoint, a convention I regularly attend and enjoy.

Farpoint Convention is an annual in-person event for fans and writers/creators of sci-fi, horror, fantasy, and anime and comics - basically everything with a fandom! It's loads of fun, and a great place for creators to trade and meet fans, and for fans to browse indie shops and meet their favorite creators.

There are always celebrity guests, usually people from awesome shows, and a ticket purchase also buys you one celebrity signature, which is pretty cool.

This year's celebrity guests are:

Cal Dodd
(X-Men Animated Series)

J. Lee
(The Orville)

Tawny Newsome
(Star Trek: Lower Decks)

Erin MacDonald
(Star Trek)

When: 9th - 11th February, 2024

Where: Doubletree by Hilton, Pikesville, MD


Saturday 11am, Bowie Room: "Themed Anthologies" Panel, with Joshua Palmatier, Michael Jan Friedman, and Mike McPhail

Saturday 4pm, Autograph Table 1: Book signing, with Phil Giunta

I'll be there selling books, signing things, and seeing old friends and new. Be sure to bring cash for any vendors and for autographs and such (it's usually cash only). I hope to see you there!

Monday, February 5, 2024


Hey everyone! Would you like a gift?

For no reason whatsoever, just because I wanted to give my new and faithful readers alike a little something, BILLY AND THE CLONEASAURUS is free until the end of February. If you haven't heard of it, here's the scoop:

Six billion identical clones make up the entire population of Earth, and William 790-6 (57th Iteration) is exactly like everybody else. In his one year of life he will toil in suburban mediocrity and spend as much cash as possible in order to please his corporate masters. When 790’s first birthday (and scheduled execution) finally rolls around, a freak accident spares his life.

Living past his expiration date changes 790 profoundly. Unlike other clones he becomes capable of questioning the futility of his own existence. Seeking answers in the wilderness, he discovers a windmill with some very strange occupants, including a freakish, dinosaur-like monstrosity. Which is especially strange since every animal on earth is supposed to be extinct…

Dark, haunting, and blisteringly satirical, BILLY AND THE CLONEASAURUS is the story of one “man’s” attempt to finally become an individual in a world of copies.

If this is one of mine that you've kept on the back-burner because you're not sure it's for you, or you've just discovered my work, now is the perfect time to get your hands on one of the strangest things I've ever written! BILLY AND THE CLONEASAURUS is available for absolutely FREE, from all available retailers, including:

Here's what a couple of the (many - yay!) reviewers have said...

And if I may enter this final plea... if you pick up old BILLY here and feel so inclined, I'd really appreciate it if you're able to post a review somewhere online, or spread the word on your social media. Every comment really helps us starving indie authors!

Thursday, February 1, 2024


Hi everyone! THE PERFECTLY FINE NEIGHBORHOOD is back, this time in audiobook form. Narrated by the talented Remy O'Brien, we've released these spooktacular tales today, 1st February. Sit back, relax, and enjoy the hauntings, panicked carnage, and horror of the ghost-filled world that Wile E. Young and I originally dreamed up. Grab a nice, hot drink, curl up and enjoy Remy's soothing tones, as she gently weaves the words that spell out murder, unlawful possessions, and rivalries gone awry.

For all of human history ghosts were real and they were everywhere. Then, one day, after a horrible cataclysm, they all disappeared.

That was the story of THE PERFECTLY FINE HOUSE.

But there are more tales to be told from that world. And a thrilling lineup, ranging from horror legends to relative newcomers, have joined forces to bring you:

- a roadside attraction featuring a real, dead serial killer

- a pair of twisted sisters whose sibling rivalry only begins with suicide

- a hitman hired to facilitate a ghostly sexual liaison

And more!

The first unhaunted house was just the beginning. Come, stake your claim in…


Contributing authors:

Stephen Kozeniewski
Bev Vincent
J.C. Smith
Wile E. Young
Jeff Strand
Candace Nola
Ryan Breadinc
Zachary Rosenberg
Shane Burnham
Annie Knox
Brian Keene
Gavin Dillinger
Kay Hanifen
D.C. Hill
Kayleigh Dobbs

If you're like to get your hands (and ears) on the audiobook version, you can find it at:


If you'd prefer to read these ghastly tales with your eyes, you can, of course, still get THE PERFECTLY FINE NEIGHBORHOOD in paperback and ebook, from:


Unfamiliar with the universe and wondering where this all started? No problem! All you need to know going into this anthology is that ghosts are a common part of... well... life, and everyone is used to them. But, if you'd like to delve into the original novel first, THE PERFECTLY FINE HOUSE can be found HERE.

In an alternate reality where ghosts are as commonplace as the weather, the most terrifying thing imaginable is a house not being haunted.

Donna Fitzpatrick runs a surrogacy agency, where ghosts can briefly possess volunteers in order to enjoy carnal pleasures. She's also working herself into an early grave. But that's no big deal because death is no worse than puberty. That's particularly evident in Donna's twin, Kyle, a self-absorbed roustabout who spends most of his time high on sage. Kyle's been in arrested development since his motorcycle accident fifteen years ago.

When Donna has a panic attack, Kyle insists she take a vacation at an abandoned mansion. There's just one small problem: there isn't a single ghost in Jackson Manor. And while an unhaunted house seems no worse than an oddity at first, soon ghosts go missing, natural disasters consume entire cities, and every afterlife on earth is threatened by the terrible secret behind . . .


Happy listening, happy reading, and sorry about the nightmares!

Monday, January 29, 2024


Hi everyone - it's release day! I'm no stranger to an anthology, and here is the latest one that I've had the honor to be included in! From Blood Bound Books comes this awesome anthology of splatterpunk depravity...

Features the Gross-Out Contest Winners from the 2023 Gross-Out Contest hosted by Brian Keene

If you've made it to volume III, you're well aware of the bizarre and disturbing world of The Splatter Club.

Formed in 2016, the club’s goal is to connect readers with authors they might never find advertised in mainstream horror. This anthology series continues that mission even in times when we can't keep the FB group as current as we'd like.

Volume III offers 14 stories, including your backstage pass to the 2023 Gross-Out Contest at Authorcon II, featuring the winning story and the three runners-up.

If you’ve got a strong stomach and dark sense of humor, then welcome to the club. We’re glad you’re here.

Rachel Nussbaum
C.M. Saunders
Jay Wilburn
Chase Will
JohnWayne Comunale
Lucas Milliron
Aaron Thomas Milstead
Arlo Gorevin
Stephen Kozeniewski
Chris DiLeo
Lucas Milliron
Lucy Leitner
Megan Stockton

Nestled amongst a host of stories by these other amazing authors, you'll find my short, nasty contribution, SELF-REPORTING. Be sure to let me know if you pick up the book... especially if any of the stories gross you out!

If you want to check it out, you can find it here:

And let me end this exciting announcement with this humble plea...
If you read it, could you help spread the word on your social media, or post a review? The best shot we indie authors have at affording our snacks is sales from the kind word-of-mouth (or even angry rants!) of you fine folk!

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